We thank following sources of funds over the last 10 years:
- NSF CAREER Award NSF-0645427
- NSF AST 1313319
- NASA NNX07AG43G (APRA CIBER), NNX10AD42G (ADAP), NNX08AU21G (Inflation Probe)
- NASA/JPL funds for Herschel/SPIRE Instrument Science Team
- NASA/JPL funds for US Euclid Science Team
- JPL Director’s Research Discretionary Fund
- Keck Foundation through Caltech/Keck Institute for Space Studies
- Spitzer, Herschel, Chandra GO funds
- STScI/Hubble GO and AR funds
- Department of Education (for graduate student funds)
- Ax Family Foundation
- Department of Energy through Los Alamos IGPP
Total research and educational funds since 2005: $5.8M